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How to Solve: Robot Vaccum Algorithm Problem

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How to Solve: Robot Vaccum Algorithm Problem

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How to Solve: Robot Vaccum Algorithm Problem

Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I've been practicing a daily committment to solving at least one coding challenge per day. So today I'm going to be writing about my approach to solving the Robot Vaccum Problem and breaking down the complexity analysis. We will be focusing on writing the solution in Javascript in this article.

Problem Statement

Given a string representing the sequence of moves a robot vacuum makes, return whether or not it will return to its original position. The string will only contain L, R, U, and D characters, representing left, right, up, and down respectively.

Starter Code:

const robotVacuum = (string) => {
	// Write Solution Here

// Ex: Given the following strings...
console.log(robotVacuum("LR")); // "LR", return true
console.log(robotVacuum("URURD")); // "URURD", return false
console.log(robotVacuum("RUULLDRD")); // "RUULLDRD", return true

Variable Initialization:

const robotVacuum = (string) => {
	// Initialized Variables:
	let hashTable = {};
	let moves = {
		L: "R",
		R: "L",
		D: "U",
		U: "D",

So here we are utilizing an Object/Dictionary to store the count of every instruction within the input string as well as an opposites Object/Dictionary.

We are now going to move forward to looping through our input string with a for Loop to populate moveCounts in:
O(n) time | O(n) space.

// counting robot instructions
for (char of string) {
	// move/key not in hash table
	if (!hashTable[char]) {
		// initialize key as 1
		hashTable[char] = 1;
	} else {
		// increment key count by 1
		hashTable[char] += 1;

After this for Loop we should see moveCounts populate like this if we were to print it out in a Node environment:

// Example of passing "LR" into our function
// Adding a print statement after the first for loop
// Result:
{ L: 1, R: 1 }

Next, we are going to compare the values stored in moveCounts utilizing our oppositeMoves Object/Dictionary.

// loop through keys in opposite moves obj
for (key in hashTable) {
	// check equality of opposite counts
	if (hashTable[key] === hashTable[moves[key]]) {
		// keep looping
	} else {
		// encountered uneven key pairs break out of loop
		return false;
// All keys had even counts, cycled all keys
return true;

By using this mirroring technique with a pre-built Object/Dictionary you can take advantage of the O(1) time look-up speed to solve this quickly with a final complexity of:
O(n) time | O(n) space.

Final Solution Code:

const robotVacuum = (string) => {
	// Initialized Variables:
	let hashTable = {};
	let moves = {
		L: "R",
		R: "L",
		D: "U",
		U: "D",

	// counting robot instructions
	for (char of string) {
		// move/key not in hash table
		if (!hashTable[char]) {
			// initialize key as 1
			hashTable[char] = 1;
		} else {
			// increment key count by 1
			hashTable[char] += 1;

	// loop through keys in opposite moves obj
	for (key in hashTable) {
		// check equality of opposite counts
		if (hashTable[key] === hashTable[moves[key]]) {
			// keep looping
		} else {
			// encountered uneven key pairs break out of loop
			return false;
	// All keys had even counts, cycled all keys
	return true;

// Ex Test Cases: Given the following strings...

console.log(robotVacuum("LR")); // "LR", return true
console.log(robotVacuum("URURD")); // "URURD", return false
console.log(robotVacuum("RUULLDRD")); // "RUULLDRD", return true

You can find the source code to this problem on Github

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