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How to Stake $TFUEL and start an Elite Edge Node

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How to Stake $TFUEL and start an Elite Edge Node

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How to Stake $TFUEL and start an Elite Edge Node

Over the course of next few paragraphs I'm going to be writing about my approach to staking TFUEL and breaking down the complexity of setting up a Docker Image to stake with Theta Labs edge node application. We will be focusing on the solution for MacOs in this article.

Theta Token Official Documentation

I'll assume that you have read the official documentation, and have Docker installed. I'm using MacOs but I think it's the same/similar steps in other OS as well.


  • You can get Docker CLI at the Docker Official Website.
  • Download an edge node in your environment at the Theta Token Official Website.
  • A minimum of 10,000 TFUEL is required to stake to an Elite Edge Node.

Getting Started

With Docker up and running, open a terminal window, and run the following command

docker pull thetalabsorg/edgelauncher_mainnet:v1.0.0 && docker rm edgelauncher

Generally you will only run the command above once (or perhaps later when an update is released by Theta Labs). This download should only take a minute or two, depending on your internet connection and then it will check for an existing edgelauncher.

Next let's create a container or a running instance from the docker image to the start it up.

docker run -e EDGELAUNCHER_CONFIG_PATH=/edgelauncher/data/mainnet -e PASSWORD=<YOUR_PASSWORD> -v ~/.edgelauncher:/edgelauncher/data/mainnet -p -p --name edgelauncher -it thetalabsorg/edgelauncher_mainnet:v1.0.0

Before you execute it, you'll need to tweak it a bit: -e PASSWORD=<YOUR_PASSWORD> has to be edited, you need to set your own password here. So it should look like this: -e PASSWORD=MyStrongPassword. Generate a strong password and ensure it is stored safely. The --restart always flag is to make the edge node restart everytime with the system. The --detatch flag is so it will run in the background. Feel free to configure the flags in whatever suits your needs best.

Remember to change the password!

sudo docker run -e EDGELAUNCHER_CONFIG_PATH=/edgelauncher/data/mainnet -e PASSWORD=AStrongPasswordGoesHere -v ~/.edgelauncher:/edgelauncher/data/mainnet -p -p --restart always --detach --name edgelauncher -it  thetalabsorg/edgelauncher_mainnet:v1.0.0

If you followed this correctly that should be it! You should also be able to generate a summary address for staking through the MacOS Edge Node App. However, you can also generate the summary address by running the following command.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"edgecore.GetEdgeNodeSummary","params":[],"id":1}' http://localhost:17888/rpc

You can verify the status by executing docker stats command. Another great tool to monitor docker containers is portainer.

Theta Edge Node Running

More information regarding the edge node application and staking can be found here.

You can also get a great amount of information from the Theta Edge Node GUI (Graphic User Interface).

Edge Node Home Application Edge Node Holder Summary


For trouble shooting you can follow the reddit post that inspired this article here.

Learn More About Theta:

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The Problem Visualization


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The Solution Visualization

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